
6 FREE Chrome Extensions that Every Web Designer Must Try


The Six Chrome extensions for Web Designers to help facilitate their day-to-day jobs easily. Use these to increase your productivity and efficiency.

6 FREE Chrome Extensions that Every Web Designer Must Try

Chrome Extensions for Web Designers

Google Chrome is the most recognized web browser, and not because it was made by Google itself but because of its expanded capabilities that provide developers with the necessary toolkit and features for building extensions that can help grow more productivity, and more importantly, more accessibility to building things in the browser.

For those of you who work as web designers and need some good Chrome extensions that can be used to increase and maximize daily work productivity, here is the list.


Users of image editing programs should be aware of the eyedropper tool, which allows you to accurately determine the color of a particular area of ​​the image you are currently editing.

ColorZilla brings this tool to browsers, allowing you to know exactly what shade is in a certain part of the site.

In addition, you can also save all color extractions in history or generate gradient tints in CSS format.

Awesome Screenshot and Screen Recorder

It is a great tool for taking screenshots and screen recordings while browsing the internet.

The finished picture can be changed in the editor, where you can add captions, highlight the desired text with markers, and crop or mark the necessary elements with arrows.


Through this extension, users can store and group all open tabs into a list of sections.

This extension is useful for those who often work by opening many browser tabs to gather information.

According to OneTab, it helps save up to 95 percent of the memory consumed by Chrome, allowing you to browse faster.

With OneTab you can also share your list of tabs with your colleagues or team using a dedicated button, so let's suppose you are working on a collaborative project and want everyone to be able to see what research you have done and where the information has already been taken from, you can do so with OneTab extension.


If you want something inspiring and informative, not just beautiful, the Muzli chrome extension is what you need.

The extension will allow you to choose your field of activity and surround your workspace with the latest thematic news from all design platforms. It can completely immerse you in the world of design.

Your attention will be captured by the constantly updated and inspiring works of creative people from all over the planet.

Fonts Ninja

Speed ​​up your design workflow! Fonts Ninja chrome extension has been a fantastic source to find fonts name from any website.

Fonts Ninja algorithms parse font files to get more accurate results. To use it simply hover over any text to get its font name and CSS properties.

Page Ruler

You can add the Page Ruler extension to Chrome to use it as a tool to measure a website element, for example knowing the size of images in terms of width and height.

It allows you to draw a line on any page to show any element's pixel dimensions and position.

After you download it, then simply click the extension icon in the top right corner which will change your cursor to a plus sign, and parameters such as height, width, etc. will start to appear.

With this Chrome extension, you would not need to do the guesswork for different dimensions if you want to design a website.

So did you like this Chrome extensions list? Have you tried any? Do share your experience with us all in the comments section.

Don't forget to bookmark Homies Hacks for more such amazing tutorials.



Homies Hacks: 6 FREE Chrome Extensions that Every Web Designer Must Try
6 FREE Chrome Extensions that Every Web Designer Must Try
The Six Chrome extensions for Web Designers to help facilitate their day-to-day jobs easily. Use these to increase your productivity and efficiency.
Homies Hacks
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