
Powerful Tips to Increase Social Media Followers


6 Valuable Social Media Tips to Increase Engagement


It is no secret that many brands rely on social media for their marketing campaigns. Since you can find hundreds of millions of active users on the biggest SM platforms, it makes sense to dedicate a lot of resources and establish a presence on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other similar sites.

However, a social media campaign is not going to offer a lot in terms of value if you do not receive enough engagement. The goal is to get people interested, and their comments, likes, and shares are an indication of how engaging the content is.

Building a social media channel from scratch can be difficult. Some brands go as far as buying fake followers or likes to distort the numbers and try to trick others into showing off.

A good social media campaign requires patience and the right approach. A brand should look to build genuine engagement. Below, you will find some tips on how to do that.

Run Giveaways and Contests

Organizing a giveaway or contest is one of the oldest social media marketing techniques. Many social media users notice various contests and enter them with the hopes of winning a prize.

The more participants a brand gets, the bigger the snowball effect from all the comments, shares, and likes. Those who share the giveaway post on their feed reveal it to friends, some of whom join as well. 

For contests, Facebook is usually the go-to platform because it has multiple engagement tools and is the most popular social media platform.

Keep in mind, though, that someone might create new facebook account and enter not once but multiple times to increase the odds of winning, so take the contest engagement rate with a grain of salt.

Respond to Comments


If you were to look through various social media pages, you would notice that not all of them respond to comments. This gives off a vibe that an account just publishes scheduled content and does not feel genuine, which can be off-putting.

Depending on how many comments a post gets, responding to everyone might be impossible, but it is still recommended to show followers that a brand cares about them. Answering questions or participating in a discussion from the brand's account works as a way to show a genuine side.

Ask Questions

Asking questions is another example of how you can get attention from followers and other social media users who might get a page recommended in their feed. A simple image with a question or a poll with multiple options is bound to spark a discussion if you are asking the right things.

Moreover, a brand should also actively participate in the discussion to develop it and receive even more engagement on the content.

Focus on Content Quality

Whether you are trying to make money, increase engagement, or have other social media goals, there is no denying that content quality should be one of the priorities.

Brands that publish multiple posts throughout the day just for the sake of it tend to see drops in engagement rates. Social media users are not that interested to see their feed spammed with generic quotes or unfunny memes from a brand that is trying to prove something.

No, instead, it would be more efficient to emphasize quality over quantity and publish case studies, infographics, interviews, or original and exclusive content whenever there is a chance for it. Doing so helps win and attract more followers and engagement on social media posts.

Establish Schedule for Publishing


Other than focusing on content quality, a brand should also establish a proper schedule for publishing posts. Lacking a schedule is not good long-term because followers will expect to see content on a regular basis, and if a page fails to publish it, the interest will diminish.

Of course, a regular schedule strategy comes with certain problems, such as content variety and quality. If you want to ensure that your posts are interesting, you need to set realistic expectations and not go overboard with the schedule. Otherwise, you will fail to stick to it.

Collaborate With Others

Collaboration with influencers and other brands could be a good way to increase engagement. You get the benefit of reaching a new audience that will hopefully translate into followers. Moreover, your regulars are also more likely to engage with a post if it is some big announcement or a tease about an upcoming joint venture with a well-known celebrity.

During such collaborations, it is important to weigh the pros and cons. You will likely need to invest in some collaborations from your end or seek opportunities that are beneficial not just to you but to another party as well.



Homies Hacks: Powerful Tips to Increase Social Media Followers
Powerful Tips to Increase Social Media Followers
6 Valuable Social Media Tips to Increase Engagement
Homies Hacks
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