
What Is SEO


Importance of SEO and its types!

What Is SEO

So, what is SEO? hmm, a question quite commonly asked by people who are just starting to create a website or blog.

Simply put an SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a set of website optimization steps and instructions which when followed correctly can make your website or blog rank high in Google search results.

We all know, the website is one of the impactful media platforms that is widely used by business people in digital marketing today. It is a place to promote various products in the form of goods or services.

Not only are the websites helpful for business people, but various content creators also make their own websites to share their content, tutorials, do blogging, and share information with they know with the world like you see on Homies Hacks, a website on which I do blogging and share my knowledge with you all.

Now, as much as having a website is important in order to promote the business, service, content, etc. It is also important to optimize the content and the website by following the various optimization techniques which come under the SEO category.

So, understanding Search Engine Optimization is an important effort which you should make if you want to get top rankings in search engines.

When you type in some search keywords on Google, you see a list of websites in the search result. Now, normally it is very rare for anyone to go to the 2nd search result page, as most of the time people only check through the search results that are shown on the first page, forget about visiting the pages that are on the 3rd or 4th, and so on...

Hence, by appearing on the very first page on Google search results and getting top rankings, you will get more website traffic which helps your website get increasingly recognized which will further help your business or service for which you created your website in the first place.

Types of SEO

Types of SEO

Now there are two types of SEO, namely On-Page SEO and Off-Page SEO, both of which are important so as to get the best results possible.

On-Page SEO

On-Page SEO is an optimization technique that you have to do on your website, examples include: permalinks, image optimization, content titles, descriptions, and their lengths, the structure of the content, use of headings, website speed, responsive themes, to internal linking, etc.

Off-Page SEO

Now Off-Page SEO is an optimization technique that is not done on your website, but outside your website, hence the term Off-Page SEO.

It is not enough to only follow the optimization techniques on the website as there are many factors outside of the website that can affect the quality of your SEO which is the reason it's important to also do the Off-Page SEO.

Some of the Off-Page SEO examples include: the quality of websites from which you get backlinks, social media, do-follow & no-follow backlinks, etc.

Coming forward I will share the full A-to-Z SEO secrets here on Homies Hacks, so make sure to visit regularly and keep yourself up to date with all the latest techniques.



Homies Hacks: What Is SEO
What Is SEO
Importance of SEO and its types!
Homies Hacks
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