
Hack Your Way to Windows Commands


Ease Your Work & Impress Your Friends with these Windows Run Commands!

Hack Your Way to Windows Commands

Pressing the Win + R keys on your keyboard in Windows opens the Run dialog box. This specialized Run Window allows you to quickly gain access to Windows shortcuts, launch programs, open files, folders, registry keys, etc., without using the mouse or navigating through various steps.

While some users actively use these shortcut opportunities, others know only a little about them, and still, there are others who do not know at all.

Therefore I am happy to share this guide today with a list of the most useful Windows Run commands that I am sure would help you to not only improve your computer skills but also in helping you to reduce the execution time of your daily tasks.

Before we begin just remember that the shortcut keys to open the Windows Run dialog box is Win + R.

So now let's see what you need to type in this specialized box to quickly gain access to various options:

1. regedit - Windows Registry

Helpful for pro users or some professionals as this allows them to view and edit keys in the Windows registry database.

2. msinfo32 - System Information

If you want to quickly get system information, then type in msinfo32. A window will open which will show you all the details of your system, including hardware resources and software environment.

3. sdclt - Backup & Restore

Typing in this command will open the Backup and Restore window, which allows you to quickly set a backup schedule or restore any of your previous backups.

4. calc - Calculator App

Use this command to open the calculator app to perform your calculations.

5. control - Control Panel

We really feel the need to visit this panel sometimes and then we think hmmm now where was that control panel option. Well, no need for the hocus pocus, just type in the control command in the Run box and you'll see the Control Panel window gets opened up in a second.

6. dxdiag - DirectX Diagnostic Tool

To quickly gain access to this tool, use the command dxdiag. The window which will open will show information about your system, graphics, and sound settings of your computer.

7. msconfig - System Configuration Tool

Using the command msconfig will open a system configuration tool window containing several useful tabs: General, Boot, Services, Startup, and Tools.

8. resmon - Resource Monitor

This is the shortcut command to open the Resource Monitor utility window where you can monitor the use of your system's CPU, memory, disk and network. The information is concise and real-time with graphs and grouping by resources.

9. osk - On-Screen Keyboard

This command lets you open the Windows on-screen keyboard which can be used to enter text where required, without the need for a physical keyboard.

10. taskmgr - Task Manager (another shortcut is: ctrl + shift + Esc)

Using this command or pressing the above mentioned three keyboard buttons will open a task manager window. Which shows you the information about the process and programs that are running on your system. It also shows you the general status of your system. Apart from various other options it also allows you to set the startup programs for your computer.

11. devmgmt.msc - Device Manager

Next to the control panel, many of you must be aware of the Device Manager, especially gamers or software professionals, as this tool is helpful to solve problems with software drivers and various system components.

12. cmd - Command Prompt

Many must already be aware of this but thought of sharing just in case. This is very useful for experts.

13. appwiz.cpl - Add or Remove Programs

Literally a lifesaver. Use this command to quickly gain access to Programs and Features window where you can check the list of programs installed on your system and can also select the ones which you want to uninstall.

14. mspaint - Paint

As it already defines itself. Using the mspaint command will quickly open the Microsoft Paint program for you.

15. notepad - Notepad / write - WordPad

Typing in notepad or write command will open Notepad or WordPad application respectively.

16. %temp% - Temp Files Folder

Over a period of time, you perform various activities on your system using Windows services and various third party programs. This Temp folder is used to store all temporary files and folders created by these services and programs. These files, however, don't always get deleted after their job is done, which then results in wastage of disk space.

So when you feel the need to free up space just type in the %temp% in the Windows Run box and delete all files in the Temp folder. Since the files and folders stored in the Temp folder are temporary, it's absolutely safe to remove them.

17. %systemroot% - C:\WINDOWS

When required you can go to this folder without having to perform various mouse clicks and navigation processes, simply type in %systemroot% in the Windows Run command box and you'll land up to your destination in a pinch.

There is actually a huge list of way more Windows Run commands, but I've only shared the ones which I felt would be helpful for almost the majority of the users to gain access to their usual daily programs or sources.

If you would like me to share more Run commands do let me know in the comments below. Also, how you felt about this article, was it helpful? Would love to know about your feedback so that I can accordingly bring more useful content.



Homies Hacks: Hack Your Way to Windows Commands
Hack Your Way to Windows Commands
Ease Your Work & Impress Your Friends with these Windows Run Commands!
Homies Hacks
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