
Use Spotify Like A Pro


Use Spotify Like You've Never Done Before

Use Spotify Like A Pro
Over the past few decades, there has been an evolution in the way we all listen to our favorite music. We have come from listening to music from cassettes to CDs and now to our very own music streaming services such as Google Play Music, Apple Music, Spotify, Gaana, to name a few.

And of these apps that we gonna talk about today or should I say share tips and tricks today is gonna be Spotify. It is definitely a revelation in the way technology meets music.

With a dizzying number of downloads, simplicity of usage, user-friendly interface, a free version, it is now a must of our time. But how can you use Spotify like a pro or should l say what are the tricks and tips to use it at its best?

With various controls, settings, and features that it provides, you will see how you can use Spotify to its fullest potential.

Retrieving Your Accidentally Deleted Playlist

Whether intentionally or accidentally, if your playlist is now no more appearing in your playlist list, no need to worry. You'll be able to retrieve it by following the simple steps below.
  • sign in to Spotify web (not the Spotify app)
  • in your Spotify account find recover playlist in the menu in the left sidebar
  • select the playlist and click restore

The Smart Search Function

Spotify is a great way to search and listen to any music. Searching for songs using Spotify's built-in search function is surely quite simple. But there are actually some little-known search qualifiers that you can use to make your searches much more specific (and, consequently, much more accurate).

When you type in the search bar, just use the artist, album, year, genre, or even a movie name to narrow down your searches.

Enjoy A Private Music Session

Normally when you stream from Spotify even from the comfort of your home, your followers can still see your activity via the social function of the platform. Although it's quite nice to be social, but there are times when you would just want to be alone and would want to listen to music without your friends judging you. This is where a private session comes into play.

So, to take a break from your overly judgmental friends, go to your account settings and look for the Private Session option under the Social category and turn it ON.

Tune Your Mood With Similar Radio Tracks

If you are in the mood for a particular song and want to listen to a similar song, you can choose the Go to Song Radio feature.

This option is available under the menu (the three verticle dots icon) when you have opened your favorite song on the screen. Tapping on this function will show you a list of songs that are similar to the one that you were listening.

This feature is really amazing as I happened to find many songs that were totally as per my taste.

Alternatively, you can navigate to the search tab and their just below the search bar, you'll see a list of song categories which will include Pop, Rock, Soul, etc. This list will also have one category called Radio, tap on that and you'll get to see a list of recommended radio stations for you.

Search A Song With Its Sound

Well for this to work you have to follow a little workaround trick. Many of you may know that there is an app called Shazam which is really great for identifying songs by their sound. Well now, what actually makes it even better is that it is now possible to link Shazam to Spotify. This means that you can not only easily import music from Shazam into Spotify but after syncing the two apps, you can use Shazam to identify a song to be played on Spotify.

So, after you find your song in Shazam, you will see an arrow next to the play button. Choose Spotify in the drop-down menu to play in the app.

So, these were some of the pro tricks that I've put together under the Spotify's best tips and tricks section that can help you get deeper into music. I would love to hear your thoughts and feedback about the same.



Homies Hacks: Use Spotify Like A Pro
Use Spotify Like A Pro
Use Spotify Like You've Never Done Before
Homies Hacks
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