
Stop People from Adding you to WhatsApp Group


Do you too get plenty of unwanted WhatsApp Group messages? If yes then follow this guide.

WhatsApp - Homies Hacks
I use WhatsApp on many occassions, just like everyone else. Infact I have 2 WhatsApp accounts each with different numbers. While one number is personal the other has been made available publically so that I can connect with people who read my blog and if possible then to read their queries in order to help them in which ever way possible.

However, sometime it becomes very annoying when people add us to several WhatsApp groups which makes our phone flooded with tons of unwanted messages.

Thankfully you can restrict who can add you to WhatsApp groups.

This popular instant messaging service provides you with an option allowing you to restrict other users from adding you in any groups.

So, here's how to prevent people from adding you to WhatsApp groups-
  1. First open your Whatsapp application.
  2. Tap Three vertical dots in the upper right corner of the screen
    Settings - Homies Hacks
  3. Tap on Settings
    Account - Homies Hacks
  4. Tap on Account
    Privacy - Homies Hacks
  5. Tap on Privacy
    Groups - Homies Hacks
  6. Tap on Groups
    Select - Homies Hacks

Now from here you can easily choose who can add you to groups with or without your permission. For e.g.

Everyone :  As  you can guess this option allows anyone to add you to the WhatsApp group.

My contacts : Only contacts saved in your phonebook can add you in the groups.

My contacts except... : This option will prevent all WhatsApp users from adding you to a group (except those whom you allow). If they try to add you, then they will recieve a message asking them to take authorization for the same.

So, choose the one according to your preference.

For iPhone users, just follow the similar options and you should be able to easily make yourself away from several groups.

What If...?
Now some times its hard to leave the group because you may not want the person who added you to feel bad and you also don't wish to recieve any notifications for that group. In this case what should you do...?

Simple! WhatsApp provides you with an alternative method to help you gain freedom from the tons of WhatsApp groups notifications and alerts.

So, this alternative method is to simply Mute the Group you wish to avoid. So, if you no longer wish to participate in group discussions, you can mute and stay away. Though this will continue to sync the upcoming messages with your device but notifications and alarms will be muted. And just incase if you ever wish to check the messages of that muted group, you will be able to do so at any time.

Follow the steps below to Mute any WhatsApp Group-
  1. Open the WhatsApp app
    Mute - Homies Hacks
  2. Touch and hold the WhatsApp group you want to block notifications and alerts for
  3. Tap the Mute icon (Struck Speaker icon) at the top
    Duration - Homies Hacks
  4. Select the muting duration ( 8 hours, 1 week or 1 year ). The maximum duration you can choose is one year
  5. Tap OK

There is a similar steps to be followed on an iOS device with just one specific change, which is you need to swipe left on the WhatsApp Group which you wish to mute in order to get the options for the same and then just follow the rest of the steps which are quite similar and simple.

So did this solved your problem? You can let me know in the comments below.



Homies Hacks: Stop People from Adding you to WhatsApp Group
Stop People from Adding you to WhatsApp Group
Do you too get plenty of unwanted WhatsApp Group messages? If yes then follow this guide.
Homies Hacks
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