
Unknown Dark Mode Option in Google Apps


Useful guide to enable Dark Mode in Google Apps

Dark Mode - Homies Hacks

Whether iPhone or Android smartphone - the high-resolution mobile phone screens invite you to watch videos on the go and in smaller format than the flat screen TV.

For all the night owls, having a dark mode option really helps while watching movies at night or while just browsing the internet.

This not only spares the eyes through a dark background but also helps in saving the battery life of the device.

I have tried to create a list of Google applications that respond to the dark mode functionality. You will be amazed at how many of them already have the option to do it and maybe you didn't know it.

Google Chrome
Chrome browsers for mobile devices does not yet have any official dark mode or any dark themes that can be activated at the moment.

However, using the below trick you can set it up in dark mode by yourself.

First and foremost, make sure that your Chrome browser is updated with the latest version. Then-

 1. Go to this URL chrome://flags

2. Tap on the the 3 vertical points at the top right hand side of the browser.

3. Tap the Find in page and type in the word dark.

4. Among the list of results you should see the below two options

Android web contents dark
Android Chrome UI dark mode

Both of these will be set to default. So, to enable the dark mode functionality just tap on their drop down options and select Enabled.

5. Now press the Relaunch Now button located at the bottom right hand side of the browser screen to apply the changes.

That's it, now when you will open the browser it will be set to dark mode.

To turn off the dark mode at any time, simply follow the steps above and set the mentioned two entries to default as originally.

Although e-mail is no longer the first choice for the communication of many users, but without e-mail address you still can not make ends meet.

Unfortunately, the dark mode functionality is not available on the Gmail app. However, according to Google, they are trying to add this dark fashion functionality on to the Gmail app, but till the time it is not available I would like to share an alternative method of viewing your mail in dark mode.

the alternate method
In this method you can download another mail app that already dominates the dark fashion. After installing it, just sign up with your Google account and sync your account and you'll get all your emails in the darker version.

One such mail app that allows dark mode is Nine. It is a free app and you can download it from the below download button which will rediret you to the Play Store.

[Download Nine ##android##]


1. Open the YouTube app on your smartphone.

2. Sign in if necessary, and touch your profile picture in the top right corner.

3. Navigate to Settings > General > and then enable the Dark theme option.

Google Keyboard
It is the default keyboard for Pixel powered Android devices and for the rest we download and install it manually from the Play Store.

No doubt that it is one of the best Android Keyboards available till now on the Play Store.

For now though, there’s nothing official dark mode option available for Gboard app. However, you can simply choose any dark theme that you like and it will save your eyes from strain while also saving some percentage of your battery life.

A very very well known application. Snapseed was created by Google which provides various useful photo editing tools for free of cost and without ads.

Among these various tools you will also find an option to enable the dark theme functionality to the entire interface under Settings.

Google Maps
For this home navigation app, Google has decided to make only the app interface dark while we are in active navigation.

To enable this, open Google Maps then-

Go to settings > Navigation Settings > & Select Night

In short, whether you want to use it or not, Google is slowly providing to make the Dark Mode available in all its Apps, then leaving the full arbitrariness to the user who uses it.



Homies Hacks: Unknown Dark Mode Option in Google Apps
Unknown Dark Mode Option in Google Apps
Useful guide to enable Dark Mode in Google Apps
Homies Hacks
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