
15 Amazon Cashback & Money Saving Tricks


Start saving some extra while shopping at Amazon

Amazon Tricks - Homies Hacks

If you like to shop online, the first name that'll come to your mind will be non other than the industry leader Amazon.

You know that you can count on Amazon for its great customer service and reliability and also due to the fact that you can buy almost anything from it. As an online retailer, Amazon not only offers a wide range of products, but also many technological options, which many do not know.

And this ignorance can cost customers money or extra time spent when browsing the site.

So, continue reading the below tricks and you'll be able to save a bit extra (sometimes more extra) money while shopping on Amazon.

1. Amazon Prime

Subscribing to Prime costs USD 119 per year (Rs. 999 per year for Amazon India), but its benefits are not limited to free shipping. The advantages of the Prime account are numerous, the main ones include access to Prime Video, Prime Music, early access to discounts at Prime Day and much more.

Believe it or not but depending on your shopping habits, prime membership can actually help you save hundreds of dollars a year.

2. Secret Price Guarantee

If it happens to be that Amazon lowered the price of a product shortly after you buy it, then you do not need worry. This customer centric company is often courteous and refunds the difference of the amount, but it does not advertise this due to obvious reasons.

The internal seven-day price guarantee makes it possible. But you have to demand it - preferably by phone call.

3. Discount Coupons

There are already countless coupons providing websites on the internet and by just spending a few minutes on them, before finalizing your Amazon order, can actually help you get few extra discount on your order.

To do this, enter the discount code directly during the checkout process and the discount will be applied on the order.

4. Compare the Price with other Sellers

As you already may be aware of the fact that in addition to Amazon itself, other companies/sellers also sell numerous products on this platform with their own prices and delivery terms. Sometimes it is more profitable to buy directly from these third party sellers, rather than from Amazon.

A list of all sellers can be found in the column 'Other sellers on Amazon' on the product page.

5. Use a Credit Card instead of COD

Although Amazon accepts a wide range of payment methods, there are several credit cards that offer cashback offers from time to time, for purchases made on Amazon.

6. 'Honey' - A Tremendous Browser Extention

Most of you may not be knowing this but
'Honey' is a browser extension (available for Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Edge and Safari) that stands still in the background while you shop online and then matches its huge database of coupons and promotional codes for your purchase. This helps in saving good extra cash.

7. Do not urge for Fast Delivery all the time.

We often think that it is better if our purchases are delivered as soon as possible and as a result we end up paying extra for faster delivery. But in some cases - if you make a habit of buying holiday gifts much in advance or if you do not urgently need a new face mask - choosing a slower delivery can save you money.

8. Free eBooks on Amazon

Many people loves reading (including those who are on this page 😉), but why to buy books when you can read them for free, conveniently and paperless on your smartphone or eBook reader? Amazon offers a huge selection of free eBooks in the Kindle Store.

Don't have a Kindle device?
Just download the Kindle App from your respective App Stores.

9. Amazon Warehouse Deals

Amazon Warehouse Deals are returned, opened and used items, some of which are sold well below the original price. In most cases, only the packaging is slightly damaged, choosing to buy these items can result in huge savings.

Although there is no manufacturer warranty on warehouse deals, the statutory 12-month warranty and the 30-day return policy still applies.

For more up to date information you can get in touch with an Amazon representative.

10. Amazon Renewed

In addition to Amazon Warehouse Deals, you also have the option to buy overhauled devices through "Amazon Renewed". These are tested by experts and finally brought back to market as new (and with a warranty period of one year). Amazon expressly states that only selected marketplace sellers and manufacturers or suppliers who have high quality and performance history are allowed to offer certified refurbished products on Amazon Renewed.

11. Lightning Deals

Every day, the online giant offers several hundred items from all categories at reduced prices. These reduced prices however, only last for few hours and the number of products are limited. While coveted flash offerings are quickly sold out, you have a whopping 24 hours on the daily specials to hit.

Note: Prime customers often have access to flash offers 30 minutes earlier.

12. Subscriptions

Do you know that you can save up to 15% in a savings subscription? And this percentage can sometimes increase.

Items of daily life that you regularly buy, such as drugstore products, groceries or household goods, can be ordered from Amazon at a savings subscription thereby saving some extra bucks.

13. Observe the Price History of the Product

Now this is really cool, there is a site camelcamelcamel.com, which has a feature that notifies you when the desired price for a product of your choice is reached. So you don't have to have a daily check on Amazon and just have to keep an eye on your inbox.

14. Use Amazon Assistant

The Amazon Assistant is a plug-in for your browser that helps you keep an eye on Amazon deals and compare them to products from other websites during online shopping. You can also add items to your wishlist anytime, anywhere.

15. Wish list for Weddings
Now that's a smart idea, instead of being overwhelmed with bedding and kitchen appliances, why not to create a wishlist of items that you would rather want to have as a gift, on Amazon. In this way, everyone will know exactly what you want and no one has to search convulsively.

Don't forget to share these tricks with your loved ones. After all, everyone wants to save money.



Homies Hacks: 15 Amazon Cashback & Money Saving Tricks
15 Amazon Cashback & Money Saving Tricks
Start saving some extra while shopping at Amazon
Homies Hacks
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