smart tips to search google and get exact information you are looking for
Google is not only a powerful search engine but also the best friend for millions of people. It is always there for you except for those times when you have no internet connection, hmm I know that's scary!
Anyways, it can help you with anything. It can find the lyrics to that recent song you heard on the radio, share the recipe for the food you like and can also recommend the best restaurant around you.
Students can't go without it and it is the key source of information for most adults too. But more often than not we have to sit through a vast body of knowledge to get that particular information we need and this can take hours rather than minutes.
To solve this I've listed below some of the most effective methods and tricks for searching on Google. Using these you should be able to find the information you're looking for in just a couple of clicks.
So let's begin:
- Either this or that: sometimes we're not sure if we've correctly remembered the information or the name we need to start our search with, this doesn't have to be a problem. Simply put in a couple of potential variations of what you're looking for and separate them by typing the vertical bar (|) symbol or with an (or), then it's easy enough to choose the result that makes the most sense.
- for e.g. cheap android | iPhone (Google will find and describe both options for you.)
- Searching within websites: sometimes you read an interesting article on a website and wanted to find that article again so that you can share it with your friends or so that you can read it again. The easiest way to do this is to search within the website. Type in the address of the website with a keyword or entire phrase from the article you are looking for. Google will show you results from that website with that topic.
- for e.g. name of the article
- The power of the asterisk: when your cunning memory decides not to let us remember that one keyword phrase or number we need to find what we're looking for you can turn to the powerful asterisk (*) symbol. Just use it in the place of the word or phrase you can't remember and you should be able to find the results you're looking for.
- for e.g. imagine all the * living for today
- * is thicker than water
- When lots of words are missing: if it's the lengthier half of the phrase you can't remember rather than a single keyword try writing out the first and last words and putting around plus the approximate number of missing words between them.
- for e.g. I wandered AROUND(4) cloud. (Google will show you the whole poem by William Woods Word)
- Searching for a title or URL: if you wish to find an information using a title of some article then type intitle colon(:) before the search term without any spaces in between them. To find the words from a URL use 'inurl' instead of 'intitle'. It is important that you make no spaces between words and punctuation.
- for e.g. intitle:enter the name of the title
- inurl:enter word name from url
- Finding similar websites: if you find some useful or interesting information on the internet and wanted to find similar websites on the same topic, type in the related colon(:) and then the address of the site again without space in between them.
- for e.g.
- Searching images using images: Imagine you were browsing the internet and suddenly saw the picture of the most beautiful coat ever or maybe your friend posted from some incredibly fancy cafe but has not added the location of the market and wants to keep it a secret. Google can solve both mysteries for you, all you have to do is save the picture hit the camera button on Google Images attach the picture or paste its URL. Google will then find similar images on the web thereby helping you provide information about that image.
- Finding a specific file: sometimes you know exactly what you need and in what shape you wanted it. Maybe you have already seen a great PDF or PowerPoint online and now you need it again or you just want to look at all the options. Google will help you find the right file.
- for e.g., dog breeds filetype: pdf (Google will show you results containing PDFs with the topic related to dog breeds)
- Google as a spell checker: this trick might seem basic but it is still very useful you know how Google politely offers you the correct way to spell words when you make a mistake by accident. You can make the best use of its natural spelling talent if you are not sure how to write this or that word.
- Tracking your packages: you already know you can use Google to look for all types and kinds of files, turns out it can also help you track your package real quick. Instead of doing the usual thing of going to the shipping company website to check the tracking status, just type your tracking number in google search bar and it will show you real-time status update. It will work with UPS, USPS, and FedEx.
- Time for our bonus trick: you did some hard work learning to use Google like a pro so now it's time for some fun. If you search 'Atari breakout' on Google Images the famous brick breaker will start right there. Enjoy it!